Management System
The dire wartime situation at the time of the founding of the company in 1945 led the engineers of the day to make the most of their molding and joining technologies, and they started by making products such as fishing net knitting machines and pipe furniture.
Those technologies were later applied to producing automotive parts, and we have since continued to offer products primarily made of iron or stainless steel.
As the outside world becomes more complex and changes drastically, offering continued value in the areas of clean & green, peace of mind, and quality of life means that the Futaba Group must successfully implement its "every employee plays an active role" initiative, which involves every single employee making full use of his or her capabilities and coming together as one. In 2024, the Futaba Group has redefined its existing Corporate Motto and Management Principle as Purpose, Mission, and Values to foster a shared identity with the partners who work with us and instill a shared awareness of tackling the challenge of creating new value.
Futaba's purpose
Producing environmentally-friendly products, we will help create a comfortable society for all people
(The Spirit of Purpose)
Futaba has historically delivered products utilizing our unique technologies such as steel and stainless steel forming and welding.
They will remain our base technologies 50, and even 100 years from now.
At the same time, the worldwide demand to preserve the environment has led to deploying various new information and manufacturing technologies. These technologies are poised to pave the way for the future society.
As citizens of the Earth, we have a duty to help realize that future society.
Therefore, we will delve further into our unique technologies while also actively incorporating technologies from fields that are new to us.
We will then make full use of the resulting technological advancements to practice more environmentally friendly manufacturing.
Futaba's mission
(The Spirit of mission)
We plan to further expand on three values and offer them to the world.
We have a long history of building exhaust system parts to protect the Earth from air pollution and noise.
We envision a future offering an environment that makes all sounds on the planet pleasant, offers air that invigorates all life, and is friendly to both people and the Earth.
The body frame is the part that has long protected human lives. We will offer the endless exploration, excitement, serenity sought by people, as well as safe travel and the peace of mind resulting from a quiet space.
We have a history of striving to apply the manufacturing technology combinations we have built up over the years to various businesses.
We will envision scenarios that inspire abundance, and offer products and services that make them a reality.
Futaba's values
"Create Beyond"
Better Forever All Together
(The Spirit of values)
"Create Beyond"
That phrase is short for "create products and services that go beyond customer expectations". When we make products, improve them, or propose new plans, do they offer value that exceeds the expectations of customers? That phrase key concept for everyone to engage in ever better manufacturing
Better Forever All Together
We must transform our weaknesses.
Better: We must all innovate rather than simply following the approach used in past or similar work.
Forever: We do not give up if we fail. We never quit until we succeed.
All together: We are a global corporation that leverages our global diversity and strength in human capital
Sustainability policy (CSR, SDGs)
The sustainability policy of our company is managed centrally by the parent company so that the economic, social and environmental needs of the company in the area of well-being in the short, medium and especially long-term horizon are met. The policy is based on the premise that development must meet the needs of society without compromising the quality of life of future generations. For this reason, we are aware of the need to create conditions for the long-term economic development of our company and at the same time ensure that due consideration is given to the environment.
One of the key activities in this area is the company's activities in accordance with the goals of sustainable development (SDGs).
The same approach is requested from our suppliers with the mutual respect and cooperation (Futaba Supplier Sustainability Guidelines).
Charter of Corporate Behavior
Our basic corporate stance concerning the mindset of legal compliance, high ethical standards, and addressing environmental and social issues is presented to all stake holders and establishes the role, stance, and actions the Futaba Group must adopt on a corporate level.
FUTABA Code of Conduct
The basic stance also defines the steps for implementing the Charter of Corporate Behavior, as well as the behavior and stance each and every Futaba Group employee must take for that mindset to become a day-to-day reality.
Code of Conduct
1 Compliance
We will comply strictly with all laws and regulations and their spirits, and act faithfully with high ethical standards.
2 Sustainable economic growth and the resolution of social issues
(1) Realization of an affluent society
We will strive to achieve innovation in manufacturing by capitalizing on digital technologies to change and improve our work processes.
(2) Protection of intellectual property
We will strictly manage intellectual property and prevent its unauthorized access. In addition, we will use intellectual property belonging to other parties appropriately and responsibly.
3 Fair business practices
(1) Compliance with competition laws
We will comply with competition laws around the world and conduct all businesses in an equal and fair manner.
(2) Promotion of responsible procurement
We will comply with laws pertaining to subcontractors (such as the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, etc. to Subcontractors in Japan) and will not carry out any acts that misuse a dominant bargaining position with respect to subcontractors. We will deepen the relationship of mutual trust with our suppliers through communication.
(3) Prevention of bribery
We will not engage in any acts of bribery both inside or outside Japan, nor will we seek any unjust benefits by using unfair methods.
4 Fair disclosure of information and constructive dialogue with stakeholders
(1) Appropriate disclosure and constructive dialogues
We will provide accurate information in a timely manner.
(2) Prevention of insider trading
We will not engage in insider trading*, nor will we convey critical facts that have not been publicly released.
*The buying or selling of shares and the like based on the knowledge of critical facts relating to FUTABA or another company that have not been publicly released.
5 Respect for human rights
We will understand and respect internationally recognized human rights. We will comply with the Human Rights Policy of the FUTABA Group and incorporate this policy into our daily work.
6 Relationships of trust with consumers and customers
(1) Quality and safety assurance
We will strive to raise the quality and safety of our products and services to satisfy the expectations of our customers.
(2) Provision of value that exceeds expectations
We will continue taking the initiative and rise unflinchingly to the challenge of exceeding the expectations of all our customers.
7 Reform of work practices and enhancement of workplace environments
(1) Promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I)
We will respect individual diversity and strive to build a corporate culture that achieves the maximum results as a team.
(2) Prevention of discrimination and harassment
We will not engage in acts of harassment, and we will act to continually improve our workplaces and corporate culture with consideration toward others.
(3) Career development and skill improvement
We will strive to enhance our capabilities through active personal development.
(4) Prevention of workplace accidents and implementation of health and productivity management
We will prioritize the health and safety of our workplaces and team members, and strive to improve our mental and physical health on a daily basis.
8 Engagement in environmental issues
We will act to save energy and resources, promote reuse and recycling, prevent pollution, and so on starting from the design and development phases.
9 Participation in social contribution and volunteer activities
We will deepen our engagement with local communities, consider what actions we can take on a personal level, and proactively participate in volunteer and other activities that contribute to society as a whole.
10 Thorough crisis management
(1) Rapid reporting and problem solving
We will follow the principle of reporting bad news first to facilitate the rapid resolution of problems and the implementation of correct actions as a company.
(2) Attitude toward antisocial forces
We will implement measures to ensure that we have absolutely no relationships with organized crime groups or other antisocial forces.
(3) Ensuring information security
We will remain aware of the risks affecting information security, such as cyber-attacks, leaks of confidential information, and so on, and implement strict information management.
(4) Protection of personal information
We will handle all personal information held by the company in an appropriate manner.
(5) Thorough management of overseas transactions We will comply with all laws, regulations, and internal company rules pertaining to imports and exports.
11 Being a caring driver
(1) Driving with care
We will follow traffic manners and rules and drive with care.
(2) Observance of traffic rules
We will wear seat belts, keep to the speed limit, and never drink and drive.
For more details please refer to Charter of Corporate Behavior/ FUTABA Code of Conduct | Corporate Information | Futaba Industrial Co., Ltd.